How to focus on positivity

How To Focus on The Positivity

Whats your identity?

Why do you want to focus on the negative and not the positive? 

In order to overcome negative thoughts, and habits here are some tips 

1. Appreciation, take time out of the day to be thankful for what you do have not what you don't have. Say to yourself I'm thankful for.

2. You're going to become the thing you think about, Close your eyes, step into a place alone, your car, close the office or bedroom door, or if in nature go under a tree or a bench ... you get it ... Now say what you want and envision the end goal only positive. 

3. Write down your most positive attributes about yourself top 5 and put them on the wall read them when you leave the room. type out a small copy on a paper and keep it in your wallet pull it out when you need it, your mind will thank you.

4. Eliminate negative people places and things, don't go to a negative place, don't associate with negative people. 

5. Answer these questions: A-D

A. What am I good at?  B. What do I love? , C. What does the world need? D. How can I get paid for it? This will help you unlock your passion and find your purpose. 

Hope you enjoy and implement this all remember to Get inspired and inspire others 

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